PCMI Summer School
I am a co-organizer, with Marc Levine, Oliver Röndigs, Alexander Vishik, and Kirsten Wickelgren, of an exciting Park City Mathematics Institute Graduate Summer School on Motivic Homotopy to take place online 12-16 July 2021. The school is preparation for a longer program in motivic homotopy theory we are organizing some future summer.
The speakers are Frédéric Déglise, Philippe Gille, Daniel Krashen, Matthew Morrow, and Kirsten Wickelgren, a truly fantastic lineup. Syllabi are available here.
There is also an associated PCMI Undergraduate Summer School online 11-31 July 2021 on the subject of Quadratic forms, Milnor K-theory, and Arithmetic and taught by Dustin Clausen and Akhil Mathew. See the description here.
Applications are required for either program and are accepted through 5 April 2021 here.