Times: MWF 1200.
Place: Lunt 103 for lectures and discussion sections.
Office hours: Wednesdays at 1600 in Lunt 304.
Textbooks: Aluffi’s Algebra: Chapter 0, Atiyah and Macdonald’s Introduction to
commutative algebra, and Weibel’s An introduction to homological algebra.
Catalog description: Wedderburn theory. Commutative algebra: prime ideals; localization. Homological algebra: linear algebra, abelian categories, complexes and homology, projective and injective resolutions, homotopies. Additional topics as permits.
Full syllabus: on Canvas.
03/26. The first day of class.
05/24. The last day of class.
05/01. Midterm in class.
06/03. Final exam 1200-1400 in Lunt 103.