Times: MWF 1000.
Place: Lunt Hall 101.
Office hours: MWF 1100 in Lunt Hall 304.
Textbook: Allen Hatcher’s Algebraic Topology, available
on his webpage or at the
campus bookstore.
Catalog description: singular cohomology, the cup product, de Rham cohomology,
sheaf cohomology, Čech cohomology, the Poincaré lemma, the de Rham theorem,
orientability, Poincaré duality, cohomology with compact supports.
Full syllabus: on Canvas.
03/28. The cup product on singular cohomology. The first day of class is Tuesday 03/29.
04/04. Sheaves.
04/11. Sheaf cohomology and Čech cohomology.
04/18. The singular–sheaf cohomology comparison theorem.
04/25. de Rham cohomology.
05/02. The Poincaré lemma and the de Rham theorem.
05/09. Orientability.
05/16. Poincaré duality.
05/23. Cohomology with compact supports.
05/30. No class on Monday to observe Memorial Day. Reading period begins Tuesday; so no class meetings Wednesday or
Friday either.
06/07. Final exam 1500–1700.