Times: MWF 1000.
Place: On Zoom (first two weeks) and then in Lunt Hall 101.
Office hours: MWF 1100 on Zoom (first two weeks) and then in Lunt Hall 304.
Textbook: Course notes distributed on Canvas and Allen Hatcher’s Algebraic Topology, available
on his webpage or at the
campus bookstore.
Catalog description: the fundamental group of a space, covering spaces, and the van Kampen theorem; singular homology, Mayer–Vietoris, degree, and Euler characteristics.
Full syllabus: on Canvas.
01/03. Homotopy groups.
01/10. Covering spaces.
01/17. Universal covers. No class on Monday to observe MLK day.
01/24. The van Kampen theorem.
01/31. Examples.
02/07. Singular homology.
02/14. Homological algebra.
02/21. Excision and Mayer–Vietoris.
02/28. Degree and CW homology.
03/07. Wrap-up. Reading period begins Tuesday; no class meetings Wednesday or
Friday, so Monday is the last day of the course.
03/17. Final exam 1500–1700 if necessary.